
Now, Amazon Alexa voice platform(equipped with Amazon Echo, such as Echo speaker, Echo Dot, newer Echo Show) has more than 15,000 skills applications, equipped with Amazon Echo voice assistant. It increases more than half than the official 10,000 skills in February, and this growth rate will continue to rise.


The latest news comes from the third-party analysis agency Voicebot, following Amazon official expressed recognition on the accuracy of figure.

Voicebot says Amazon new skills reached a milestone on June 30 last month. Throughout June, new features increased by 23%, while in the previous three months, the average growth rate of 10% or less.
The date pointed out that FlashBriefings (Quick Overview) is still one of the most popular application categories in the skill classification. News voice application, such as the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post has been active in the application store. As the skills are easier to develop, the number of applications in the FlashBrings category has increased by about 20%

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